Hello all, and welcome to my blog!
My name is AnnaBrooke and I am an artist from Georgia currently studying Fine Art at Georgia Southern University. Here in my blog, I will share with you my studio space, inspirations, and in-the-works pieces. Get to know my process, how I work, and my overall life as an active artist.
“To be an artist is to believe in life.” -Henry Moore
In this space, I will also be posting about upcoming gallery shows, events, and art-fairs. These are all places where I am happy and grateful to be at in order to share my work with you.
Thanks for being here
Thank you for being here! I am so excited for the publication of my new site, launching this blog, and bringing you into my world. I am passionate about sharing art with others as I believe it to be a form of the purest joy in life.
Let's get started!
Can't wait to travel along with you on this journey...